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Basic Usage

To get a random HTTP proxy from any country:

from swiftshadow.classes import ProxyInterface
swift = ProxyInterface()



When the ProxyInterface class instance is created for the first time, the update() method is called. This method fetches proxies from providers and caches them. This process may take around 10 seconds. The cache will refresh after the cachePeriod expires.

The get() method returns a Proxy object. You can convert it to a string using as_string() or to a dictionary using as_requests_dict(). See the References for more details.

This is the most basic usage of swiftshadow, but there’s more to explore.


From now on, all examples will exclude the import statement for simplicity.

Filtering Proxies

You can filter proxies based on their country of origin or protocol (HTTP/HTTPS).

Country Filter

To filter proxies by country, pass a list of two-letter country codes when initializing the ProxyInterface class.

Country Filtered
swift = ProxyInterface(countries=['US', 'IN'])

Protocol Filter

By default, all proxies are HTTP. For SSL-enabled HTTPS proxies, set the protocol parameter to "https".

HTTPS Filter
swift = ProxyInterface(protocol='https')


swiftshadow does not validate country codes or protocols. If you provide invalid country codes or protocols, no proxies will be available.

Proxy Rotation

Manual Rotation

You can manually rotate proxies using the rotate() method. This selects a random proxy from the available list.

from swiftshadow.classes import ProxyInterface
swift = ProxyInterface()


Auto Rotation

To enable automatic proxy rotation, set the autoRotate parameter to True when initializing the ProxyInterface object. When enabled, the proxy will rotate every time the get() method is called.

from swiftshadow.classes import ProxyInterface
swift = ProxyInterface(autoRotate=True)



Proxies are cached to improve performance. The cache expires after the cachePeriod (default: 10 minutes). You can force a cache update by calling the update() method.

swift = ProxyInterface()
swift.update()  # Force update the proxy list

Visit References for more information on methods and classes.