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This page provides practical examples to help you get started with swiftshadow. It covers all major features, including filtering, caching, rotation, and integration with popular libraries.

Basic Usage

Fetching a Proxy

To fetch a random proxy:

from swiftshadow import QuickProxy

proxy = QuickProxy()
print(proxy.as_string())  # Output: http://<ip>:<port>

Filtering Proxies

Country Filter

Filter proxies by country using two-letter ISO codes:

from swiftshadow.classes import ProxyInterface

# Fetch proxies from the US and India
swift = ProxyInterface(countries=["US", "IN"])

Protocol Filter

Filter proxies by protocol (http or https):

from swiftshadow.classes import ProxyInterface

# Fetch HTTPS proxies
swift = ProxyInterface(protocol="https")

Proxy Rotation

Manual Rotation

Manually rotate proxies using the rotate() method:

from swiftshadow.classes import ProxyInterface

swift = ProxyInterface()

# Get the first proxy

# Rotate to a new proxy

Automatic Rotation

Enable automatic rotation by setting autoRotate=True:

from swiftshadow.classes import ProxyInterface

swift = ProxyInterface(autoRotate=True)

# Each call to get() will return a new proxy


Custom Cache Folder

Specify a custom cache folder (useful for AWS Lambda):

from swiftshadow.classes import ProxyInterface

# Use the /tmp directory for caching
swift = ProxyInterface(cacheFolderPath="/tmp")

Disabling Caching

For one-off use cases, use QuickProxy:

from swiftshadow import QuickProxy

proxy = QuickProxy()

Integration with Libraries

Using with requests

Route requests through a proxy using the requests library:

from swiftshadow import QuickProxy
from requests import get

proxy = QuickProxy()
resp = get('', proxies=proxy.as_requests_dict())
print(resp.text)  # Output: Proxy's IP address

Using with httpx

Route requests through a proxy using the httpx library:

from swiftshadow import QuickProxy
import httpx

proxy = QuickProxy()
with httpx.Client(proxies={"http://": proxy.as_string(), "https://": proxy.as_string()}) as client:
    resp = client.get('')
    print(resp.text)  # Output: Proxy's IP address

Advanced Usage

Combining Filters

Combine country and protocol filters for precise proxy selection:

from swiftshadow.classes import ProxyInterface

# Fetch HTTPS proxies from the US and India
swift = ProxyInterface(countries=["US", "IN"], protocol="https")

Force Cache Update

Force an update of the proxy cache:

from swiftshadow.classes import ProxyInterface

swift = ProxyInterface()
swift.update()  # Force update the proxy list

For more details on classes and methods, visit the References page.